How to Make a Perfect Workout

 How to Make a Perfect Workout

By: Marco Rice

    A workout isn't all about pushing heavy weight for a hour or two and then leaving and hoping to get gains. There is so much more that goes into a successful workout that most people don't understand, and this can be limiting their growth and reaching their goals.

    Before your workout, there are some crucial steps that can make your workout good or bad. First thing that is super important is sleep, getting 8.5-9.25 hours of sleep a day is recommended. This allows your body to recovery properly and get enough energy for your next workout. 


Secondly, making sure you eat before your workout, this can be something light like a protein bar or a smoothie, or even a full course meal. Everyone is different on what they eat before workouts, but the most important thing is to eat something high in protein or fiber. And make sure to eat this around 30 minutes before, or if you don't eat before your workout, 30 minutes after. 

 Also, hydration is crucial for your body, according to Harvard Health, individuals should drink around 4 to 6 cups of water a day. Lifting while dehydrated can cause your muscle strength and lifting control to be impaired.

    Once you get into your workout, it is important to warm up properly, this can include riding the bike, light weight exercises, or static stretching. A good workout helps the risk of injury and creates an overall better workout. 

    After you warm up you need to decide what muscle groups you are working out, a normal workout split is chest and triceps, back and biceps, and legs and shoulders.

    Once you choose a workout split, it is normal to do 3 workouts per muscle group, with a set range of 3-4 and a rep range of 8-12. You want to start your workout with high reps and light weight, and then go into more company movements like bench press or squat. 

    After you complete your workout, it is important to stretch after and keep your body warm by wearing a jacket or sweats. Also getting your protein in after a workout is big and helps a lot with growth of the muscle. 



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