Why ever kid should try Boy Scouts

 Why Ever Kid Should Try Boy Scouts

By: Marco Rice

    Since the 1st grade Boy Scouts have been a huge part of my life, and has changed how I act in my everyday life. I have learned so much from scouting and have done so many things that I would haven't done anywhere else in my life. I earned my Eagle Scout award (the highest award in Boy Scouts) my sophomore year of high school, this award has been on my proudest moments.

    Boy Scouts bring new experiences to every kids life and memories that will last a lifetime. During Cub Scouts, which is in elementary school, you do a lot of fun activities and go on some camping trips. But once you transition to becoming a Boy Scout, everything changes.

    In Boy Scouts, you have to complete many tasks in order to get to a new rank, this causes you to become organized, self-reliant, ask other for help, and go through adversity. You also learn so much from completing these tasks, things like tying knots, being a leader, cooking and cleaning up on camping trips, how to start a fire, and so much more.

    Another big thing that Scouting teaches you is how to talk to big crowds and how to interact with adults. Many times I had to talk in front of crowds with 50-100 people, this built confidence in my public speaking ability, and no where else would I have that opportunity. 

    Camping trips are a very big part of scouting and are some of my favorite memories from scouting. I have met and bonded with many people during this trips that I am still friends with to this day. I learned to cook food for not only me, but my whole troop. I learned how to put up a tent, start a fire, and how to properly use a knife. 

    All in all, I recommend Boy Scouts to any parents and kids that might be interested, it changed my life and could change yours too. 



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