Relationships through Sports

 Relationships through Sports

By: Marco Rice

        When looking back on my friends growing up in high school, middle school, and even elementary school they all had one common theme, they all played sports. Some of my best friend to this day, I met while playing sports with them, or became best friends from being on the same sports team. 

    Even the friends that don't play sports or I never played sports with them, I still have a bond with them over sports activities. This can be watching sports with them or talking sports. Another is working out and staying active with a friend who doesn't play sports. 

    Now in college, most of the friends I have made so far played sports in high school, like watching sports, or play sports in their free time. I have built a bond with many people by playing basketball at the wrec here at Chico State or working out. 

I played football in high school for all 4 years and it taught me so much, from being disciplined, becoming tougher and so much more. But one thing it taught me that most people don’t realize, is how to build relationships. And especially in football, the bond is greater. In my opinion, it is greater than any sports. 

The grind of a football season is unmatched, from the summer workouts, to the 2 practices a day, and the early morning weight room sessions. These difficult workouts created an unbreakable bond, struggling and going through adversity with people, and ended up building a super strong relationship. And that’s why some of my best friends to this day I played football with and even the ones I don’t see very often, still love to spend time together. 

To conclude, sports in general and a great way to make friends and also tighten relationships that are already built. Sports connect people together like nothing else can. 


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